Who Should Have Possession of Jerusalem?

The question is who. Who should have possession of Jerusalem, the Jews or Palestinians? The Jews were promised Jerusalem by God, which the Palestinians don't believe in (our God). The Palestinians claim it as the Holy City, or the City of Prayer. They both have this as a sacred place, for which are religious purposes. The Dome of the Rock is a sacred place for Muslims, Jews, and Christians. It was believed by the Jews and Christians that Abraham offered her son to God there. I believe that the Jews should have possession of Jerusalem, but by this question this has raised problems and conflict in the Middle East.
Some conflict comes from the Cold War. Some countries in the Middle East had different views during the war. During this war it was important to have Middle Eastern allies. In 1956, 1967, and 1973 Israel was in the Middle of guerrilla warfare and terrorist activity. In 1967 Israel won the Golan Heights, the West Banks, and the Sinai Peninsula. In 1973 Arab forces tried to take back the land but failed. In 1987 a resistance started. It consisted of young teenaged boys who defied Israeli soldiers by throwing rocks and disobeying curfews. 
They did try to make peace after the Cold War but failed. Will there ever be peace?

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